martedì 17 dicembre 2013

Formula Route

Formula Route is a simple formula that does not requires script,
but just a smart use of the existing resources.

How to build a FORMULA ROUTE Map
Multi-Route maps are uneasy to build because of the difficulty to trace similar-timing paths.
This formula allows the building of near-timed single colored routes the
1) Buld a map and fix Start and Finish.
2) Build 8 routes going from start to finish. This is the Free map.
3) Paint your basic car in 8 color
4) Open the Free map and start to detail the first colored route, adding checkpoints and colored arrows. Do not modify the Free map. Save with the color-name
4bis) Repeat for 8 colors
4tris) invert Start with finish and save, You have now 16 maps + 2 free
5) Open the First color map you saved and record more than 3 ghosts in RACE. Choose the best 3 times. Color the cars, name the ghosts, save the color-CLIP (not the map)
5bis) repeat for 8 colors
6) Open the Free map and load all the color-clip, save the cumulative clip.
7) Open the first color map and in RACE substitute the 3 ghosts with the cumulative clip
7bis) repeat for 8 colors
8) open the Free map and set the Medals with the times of your ghosts
8bis) repeat for 8 colors
9) validate Free map
9bis) repeat fos 8 colors
10) Build variations of Free map, easing passages, making secret routes, adding shortcuts

A Formula Route map has 3 main vantages:
1) Valorize the building of a map, utilizing every aspect of the Environment you invented.
2) Let you build a progressive path for learning all the 8 Routes, not only the fastest.
3) Let you express in differents style of Routes (asphalt, terrain, concrete), adding adventurous jumps and creative solutions.
4) The driver is challenged from Medals adversaries all toghter, acting as GPS and competition meter.

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